Member-only story
Can Service Design help Small Enterprise?

(I’ve been asking some folks here in Ireland what’s the key things they’d like to understand about Service Design. This is the first of a few posts to help answer some of those questions.)
If you own or run an SME, it’s likely that your business occupies your every spare moment. Whether it’s checking accounts late on a Saturday night when the kids are in bed, or going over and over some proposal, menu options, tender document, or business plan before you sleep at night.
You know your own business, and it’s not for anyone to tell you otherwise.
Whether your business delivers a service, whether that be click-and-collect dinners, tax consulting, nutrition tracking, car sharing, or childcare — a lot of your thinking time is spent considering intangible things like customer experience, training of employees, retention of loyal business, or grasping an opportunity afforded by new technology.
You’ve probably had even more things to consider since COVID-19 entered our world.
Mapping the Madness
What Service Design helps businesses do, first and foremost, is to make the invisible visible. How can we “see” customer experience? We speak to customers, and we capture what we learn in a Customer Journey Map. Want to understand how we’re processing…